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Student Teachers

Student Teaching/Internships are an important phase in the development of future teachers. Arlington County Public Schools welcomes partnerships with colleges and universities to train future educators.

How Colleges and Universities request a Student Teaching Placement/Internship or Practicum:

  • A request should be made on behalf of the student by the university directly to the Talent Management & Acquisition Office in the Department of Human Resources. If multiple requests are being made, a cover sheet outlining the request should include the students¡¯ names, majors and the dates of placements. It would also be helpful if specific requests for schools are made on that cover sheet. A handbook outlining the specifics of the placements should be included with the requests. The handbooks provided will be forwarded to the APS cooperating teachers. If this is a new university request, a Memorandum of Understanding must be emailed to Paige Tucker, Director of Talent Acquisition-Licensed Staffing at paige.tucker@apsva.us, for review prior to application submission.?
  • A completed student teaching/internship packet should be included with the request. This includes:
    • Completed PDF of the?
    • Current Resume
    • Transcripts (official or unofficial) of all university/college coursework
    • 2 Letters of Reference (1 must be included from current teacher or supervisor)
    • TB Test Results (must have been taken within the past year)
  • The Department of Human Resources will confirm placements and then provide written notice to the universities/colleges giving the details of each student teaching placement.
  • Please notify the Department of Human Resources immediately in writing if there is a need to change the status of a confirmed placement.

Deadlines:?Requests and applications must be received by the following dates to insure a timely placement:

Fall Student Teaching ¨C May 1

Spring Student Teaching ¨C October 1

Contact:? Please send all requests and applications to Nichole Anderson, nichole.anderson@apsva.us