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Homeschooling Forms and Procedures

Procedures for Providing Notification and Evidence

The person who meets one of the qualifications and who elects to provide home instruction during any school year in lieu of school attendance shall notify the Superintendent (c/o Liaison for Home Instruction) no later than August?15.

Home Instruction: Notice of Intent, 2023-24

  • (Egnyte link)

Home Instruction Spring Mailing

Evidence of Achievement/Proof of Progress?

Forms and documentation may also be sent by mail:

Mary Beth Pelosky, Home Instruction Liaison
¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ Syphax Education Center, Office of Academics
2110 Washington Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22204

Families may contact the Home Instruction office with inquiries regarding Home Instruction.

Partial Enrollment for Home Instruction Middle and High School Students